About Us
We publish multicultural books and educational materials that children would love and enjoy while helping them to enrich their minds and provide them with positive cultural influence.
Currently, we offer Amharic, Tigrinya, Swahili, Afaan Oromo and Somali language teaching books aimed to support children at an early age. We use online ordering platform with secure payment transaction through PayPal and Credit Card checkout services.
In addition to those wonderful community or faith based multicultural language schools, our book materials are primary intended to serve as a supplement and additional material children can enjoy.
Our Customers
Public Libraries.
Several public libraries carry some of our book collections. Their support and partnership has been tremendous. Libraries are one of the great places for community engagement and share several learning resources and materials.
Organizations and community centers.
Both faith based and non-profit organization have been using some of our products as teaching tools and reading materials.
Parents and Teachers.
We are grateful to all parents, teachers and patrons who support us and generously purchasing our books directly from our online stores.
Our readers and fans
Thank you to our readers and fans for your consistent support. We wouldn’t exist without your support, so we are grateful for it.